Fat-phobic individuals, who want to lose weight quickly, often go for low-carb diets. While some experts debate on the effectiveness of such diets against other types of diets, a low-carb diet has always proved to be a good way to lose flab. Several studies have suggested that such a diet can manage weight faster as well as improve on risk factors like cholesterol levels.
Scalp psoriasis is a common skin condition characterized by reddish, scaly, and raised skin patches. It may occur as a single patch or several small patches all over the scalp. As the severity of the psoriasis increases, it may also spread to the neck and face. It is not contagious, and while the exact cause of this condition is unknown, physicians believe that it may be due to the improper functioning of the immune system.
Pain in the gums is an annoying issue that can occur for several reasons such as canker sores, brushing too hard, and wearing dentures, braces, or retainers. In the case of women, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and menopause can be some of the reasons. Other than these, due to certain oral health issues such as thrush, periodontitis, or gingivitis, you may suffer from severe gum pain.
Things you should know about head and neck cancer for early detection
Cancer that attacks the mouth, nose, salivary glands, sinuses, throat and lymph nodes is known as Head – Neck cancer. In most cases, this type of cancer first develops in the mouth, nose or throat. There are five types of head neck cancer: • Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Cancer that begins in the larynx • Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinus Cancer that initially attacks the tissues in the nose • Nasopharyngeal Cancer that attacks the upper part of the throat • Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer that develops on the mouth, tongue or between the tonsils and the larynx • Salivary Gland Cancer that develops in the salivary glands Head and neck cancer typically affects more men than women.
Stage four melanoma refers to the advanced stage of skin cancer. In this condition, the disease spreads from the skin and affects other organs like the lungs. Diagnosis for skin melanoma The diagnosis for this kind of skin cancer includes the following tests: 1. Blood tests to determine the blood count and functioning of the liver 2.
Cancer is a potentially fatal disease that affects various organs and parts of the body. One of the most dangerous kinds of cancers is known as Leukemia or blood cancer, which can start even during one’s childhood. Read on to know more about leukemia symptoms as well as other information about Leukemia.
Have a runny nose, an itchy eye, and the irritating sensation of not being able to sneeze? The pollen count will be on the rise as the weather warms up every day. The warmth and humid weather after a bout of colder months bring you comfort as well as the dreadful.
Things you should know about irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable bowel syndrome affects the large intestine (colon). It is a common disorder which causes constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, abdominal pain and cramping amongst other symptoms. It is very difficult to lead a routine life if you are battling IBS symptoms regularly, so here are a few essential things you must know about IBS.
Things to keep in mind while shopping for refrigerators
LG is one of the most favored brands when it comes to refrigerators. Packed with the most advanced features and supported by the best technology, you will find LG refrigerators enjoying a high customer rating on almost all parameters. LG refrigerators offer such a wide range of features that selecting the right one can become an overwhelming task.
Garcinia cambogia is also known as Garcinia gummi-gutta. It comes from Indonesia and is from Clusiaceae family. This fruit resembles a small pumpkin and is green when raw and yellow when ripe. This fruit got its popularity for having a considerable amount of involvement in weight loss. But many studies have proved that it does not help in weight loss.
Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that occurs with a widespread pain in the muscles and bones. The condition and its symptoms mimic other medical conditions. Hence, diagnosis is tricky. Symptoms and diagnosis No single test can completely diagnose fibromyalgia. In most cases, people with fibromyalgia symptoms may have a lab test result that seems typical and huge numbers of their indications may imitate those of other rheumatic conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis.
Abdominal pain is the pain that occurs between the chest and the pelvic region. In simpler words, it is called stomach pain. It is one of the most common illness that people complain of. The causes of abdominal pain can be numerous, ranging from the ordinary issue of gas to something more serious.
This is why you may be suffering from abdominal pain
Abdominal pain is one of the most commonly experienced ailments in the world. The abdominal region ranges anywhere between the chest and pelvic regions, any form of pain in these regions can be termed as abdominal pain. The causes for abdominal pain can be various and can, range from minor illnesses to medical emergencies.
The symptoms, similarities and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
These are autoimmune diseases which occur due to the immune system attacking the body cells. They in turn trigger inflammations and damaging health issues. In general, these autoimmune diseases are caused due to malfunction of the immune system. Immune system fails to recognize its own cells and tissues and foreign bodies and thus attacks on its own cells.
An overactive bladder (OAB) is a condition where one finds it extremely difficult to hold the urine on a regular basis, which results to multiple trips to the bathroom. OAB is currently one of the most common health problems. It affects over 33 million Americans. Having an OAB can significantly alter one’s lifestyle as it negatively influences their thought process.
Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumors – Prognosis And Life Expectancy
Carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors – Prognosis and life expectancy The neuroendocrine system is a complex regulatory mechanism comprised of cells spread throughout several organ systems, including our lungs and digestive system. As they have characteristics of both nerves and endocrine cells, they are called neuroendocrine cells. The nerve cells transmit signals using electrical impulses, whereas endocrine cells make thyroid and insulin-secreting glands.
Health & Wellness
What Are The First Signs Of Liver Damage
Liver damage – What are the first signs? On the right side of the abdomen, below your rib cage, is an organ called the liver. It is the size of a football and is one of the most important organs in the human body. The liver aids in the digestion of the food we eat and also helps in flushing out the toxins from our body.